Our Health is Shared Psychically

Psychic Articles
1 min readJul 17, 2021

Written by: Melissa Kay Kinder

Our health is shared psychically. Some people can feel other people’s diseases, some people cannot. People who can feel other people’s diseases would be called psychic in this society. Anyway, our health from head to toes is shared among us. People can get diseases from others psychically, if their bodies are psychically connected to each other. For example, if one person’s eyes are blurry and they become psychically connected to another person’s eyes, then the other person gets the eye blurriness. Or if one person’s legs can barely walk, and they psychically connect to another person’s legs, the other person’s legs become barely able to walk. Our healthcare is shared when our specific body parts connect on the psychic realm. Why many people don’t get the diseases of others when they share the same room or space is that their body parts don’t become connected psychically. If their body parts connect psychically, they do get the disease.



Psychic Articles

This is a page about psychic issues written by Melissa Kay Kinder.